Prostate Massage Escorts in Munich

Prostate massage escorts are already more popular than regular massage Escorts Munich, and any escort who can specialize in this way is sure to be very popular. If you find a woman this beautiful, capable of massaging the prostate, she must be sought after, right? Hell…if you find a woman like that, you should marry her! But unfortunately you cannot marry these escorts in Munich. However, you can reserve it for as long as you want, at any time you want. This has to count for something, right? Being able to give a good prostate massage isn’t as easy as you might think either, but these girls know what they’re doing, and they have a lot of experience.

Escort Girls in Munich Available For Prostate Massage

Prostate massage is an excellent way to maintain good health. To be precise, prostate health is good (and all men should focus on that, right?) By massaging the prostate, it helps relieve pressure in the prostate and any fluids that build up there; This is sometimes referred to as “prostate milking.” Some doctors may even give you a quick prostate massage during the exam, if they think you can really benefit from it. Although, let’s be honest, it’s not likely to be as sexually charged as having a young Munich Escort do it for you! The prostate muscle is covered with nerve endings and is very sensitive to touch, which is why it feels so good for a man. If you’ve never felt this pleasure before, it’s best to ask someone to do it for you. You can do it yourself by purchasing a variety of different sex toys, but it will never compete with someone else doing it for you!

If this is your first time engaging in any kind of sexual act Anal, you may want to relax a little beforehand. There are escort poppers at Munich Escort, who actually recommend using poppers to relax the anal sphincter before penetration. These girls are likely to be high-level escorts as well, and most likely have a lot of experience in this field. We would like to make it clear that this is just advice suggested by the girls and we as an agency do not condone the use of drugs, whether legal or illegal.

She does it gently

The girls who provide the best prostate massage are usually among the kindest, most sensitive and attentive women you can book. They will be nice to you, you can count on that. Most of them are well versed in sensual massage methods as well, and many of them practice tantric massage with their clients as well. Unless of course you’re keen for them to be more brutal about it? If this is the case, you can always book one of our talented BDSM mistresses at the agency. These girls will put you through your paces with all kinds of equipment and tools! You can even convince some of them to wear exotic escort outfits to play with them.

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